Becoming a Better Boss Secret 10: Using Email Effectively – Six Rules to Live By!

Email is one of our primary communication methods. We spend hours writing and reading Email. Mastering the art of writing Email can save time and frustration for both the writer and its reader.

Six Rules to Live By:


Write the Email for the intended audience – understanding that the audience you intend may not be the audience that receives your message. When addressing your message, decide where to address each recipient.


This is your primary target. Write your message to that person or persons. Think about how much they know – or don’t know. Tailor you message to their preferences when you can.


This is your secondary target. CC stands for “Courtesy Copy.” It does not invite the addressee(s) to respond – so don’t expect a response.


This should seldom be used – if ever. It is often used in writing a message to a list of people whose Email addresses must remain confidential.


Start your message with the PURPOSE. Ask yourself this question: “Why am I writing this?” The answer to that question is the first line of your Email. Tell your reader first thing, what this is about. Remember, if you don’t hook them in the first line or two, they likely will not read the message all the way through.


We often wonder why our Email doesn’t give us the response we need – the answer is that quite often, we don’t ask for the response we need. For example, telling me you need something done ASAP means different things to different people. If you need it Monday at noon, say “I need this Monday at noon.”


  • Bulleted lists convey information in an easy-to-read format.
  • They help the writer organize information into logical order and to shorten messages and get to the point.
  • Seeing information as bullets helps the reader more accurately and quickly understand.
  • If a response is needed, it is much easier for the reader to respond to specific points.


Yes, keep it short – but not so short that the tone is unfriendly. If you need to write a long Email, consider making it a Word document attachment. We now know that our brain needs white space so use reasonable sized fonts, keep paragraphs short, and don’t be afraid to use tables and other formatting tools to help your reader quickly find what they need.


Organizing Email messages into THREE PARTS will solve most problems with giving too much or too little information, tone, giving specific instructions, and getting the response you need.

  1. Open – This is your purpose.
  2. MIddle – Give specifics here.
  3. Close – State what you need and by when.

Hi Pat.

Here are the promised instructions on how to write friendly, professional Email messages.

  1. Start with the purpose – tell them what this is about or answer their question, first thing.
  2. Use a bulleted list to give them specific information.
  3. Close with instructions on what to do next. Be specific.

Thanks for your interest Pat and please know that no response is needed to this message. If you have questions, call me direct at 555-555-5555.

Be aware, that many messages can be conveyed in one short paragraph. Just be sure the paragraph opens with purpose, puts needed details in the middle, and ends with specific instructions.

For more information, check out Becoming a Better Boss – Your Guidebook to 25 Fundamental Management Responsibilities now available at!

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